SIBR Affiliate Application

Thank you for your interest in membership with the Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS.
Please click on Affiliate Applicant to begin the application process. This membership type allows any number of individuals within the company to be listed as members and participate in membership activities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Association office at 618.277.1980.
If you are an Illinois licensee and would like access to Supra please advise the SIBR staff upon completion of the application.
Supra Keys are leased only to members who are licensed in the state of Illinois. Every licensed or certified appraiser, licensed home inspector and licensed pest control expert affiliated with the Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS®, shall be eligible for Supra access, subject to their qualification and signed lease agreement with SIBR.
Application will be processed when membership fees are paid in full by applicant.