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My name is Brandi Morrison and I was born, raised and educated in and around Edwardsville, Illinois. I love spending time with my son, who makes me proud to be a momma, and in my free time I enjoy scrapbooking and playing Bingo with my family and friends. Before I began my career as a Real Estate agent, I was a draftsperson for a local architectural firm for 17½ years. I was part of the creative process to help design and hand-draw many local custom homes and commercial buildings, many of which I drive by and show to clients every day, as well as multiple Nursing Homes, Assisted Living and Retirement Centers all over the country. When the architect decided to retire and close the business I knew it was time to switch up my career, but because my favorite part was seeing people’s faces light up when I handed them their set of plans for the custom homes of their dreams, I didn’t want to lose that feeling. Being a Real Estate agent gives me that feeling again… the excitement a first time home buyer has holding the key to their very first place, or a seller holding his proceeds from the sale of his home, the smiles and sometimes tears from new families upsizing for little ones on the way or downsizing once their children have grown. This emotional roller coaster is why I do what I do!



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